Monday, May 5, 2008

"The Incident"

The last stanza talks about how the little boy has had more hard times in his life, but out of all of them that one stuck with him the most. That memory of that little white boy callingig him such a horrible name stuck with him throughout all the other horrible things that had happened in Baltimore. Just a little boy that happened to be of color wanted to play with a boy that looked his age, and not his color, but then this little boy used a term so harsh, so cruel, that it stuck with him for the rest of his life. The title is perfect for this poem because it shows the sadness and the pain that this little boy went through it was an incident small and painful, which is pretty mych the defnintion of that word.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

"The Fact of a Doorframe"

1. Read it through
2. The speaker is trying to get through the point that she is very aggrivated with life and is talking about the the Makeba sings, which is this trible singer who sings about courage and life. How you can make it through life. "Music is suffering made powerful", this is what helping this speaker through killing herself, or putting herself in any danger. The goose-girl is this fairy-tale about this princess who gets sent by her mother to go find her prince, on her horse Falada, which is her talking horse. Then her talking horse's head gets chopped off and hung on the arch. So this is talking about her feelings about this person she is missing. Then in the last stanza she talks about how through out all the different types of poems, she is still grasping for you, for her grasping for that person the speaker is head over heels for.
3. The tone is definately sad and depressing. This is all about love and how the speaker is longing for her and will actually hurt herself to, to make this person feel her pain, or show her the pain she is going through.
4. The words that I don't know is "hewn, arcane, mare".
5. There arn't any phrases that I highly don't understand, besides when the author is talking about the Makeba songs and the Goose girl sotry. I am a little unformilur with both.
6. The author achieves this tone by making the speaker want to hurt herself over someone. Readying through the poem twice you can tell that the abuse she was doing to herself wasn't because of friends or family member, it was about someone she loved and knew she couldn't live without. She tried to make herself feel better by rellating her life to the Makeba songs , which her upbeat and happy but the Goose Girl story related to her much better than the Makeba stories.
7. The theme or messege in this story is that hurting yourself isn't the answer you should always stay true to yourself and express yourself in a non-violent way.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"The Chimney Sweep"

Question 1. The little boy's atitude is a positive one. The little boy is showing himself and people around him that this life they live isn't that terrible and they should only look at the positive side rather than the negative. When one of the litte chimney sweepers gets his hair cut off, the boy says, "Hush, Tom! nevermind it, for when your head's bare, You know that the soot cannot spol your white hair." This boy is looking at these horrible events as no big deal, to him it is just something he has to deal with in life that he accepts. The poet's atitude through out this poem is just looking at the negative sides of this story. It is all about, why would a father sell his son? Why does this poor boy have to do a dirty job he doesn't deserve to do? All these questions are implying the hard, difficult life this child lives and how to the poet it is a huge deal, but to this little boy it is nothing.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Ozymandias —
Identify the speaker, was the poet himself, or just an anybody, looking at the world in a different view of most
Identify the situation of occasion
What’s happening: A traveler is telling the speaker about a ruined vase in the desert
When: Any where, probably a deserted place
Where: Around the mid 1800's perhaps around that place in time considering the language and comparisons made by the speaker
The Tone / Purpose: Wise, smartbut sad. Has a old'ish tone to it, as it talks about a vase worn by sand and wind. It’s purpose is that all good things must come to an end, no matter how priceless, powerful, or beautiful.
The author achieves the effect of “insightful sadness” by writing about a potter, Ozymandias, who made a great vase and placed it on a pedestal. Nature ravaged his vase, and all that remains is the pedestal, with a plaque on it.

"Barbie Doll"

The speaker was supposed to portray a girl that was made fun of through out her life. This was until she turned into this beautiful barbie doll that everyone envied and loved. This speaker changed herself to fit other people's wants and desirer. They did not respect what she looked like and made fun of her for it. Then she "cut off" parts of her body because she thought that she didn't look "right", or the way she was supposed too. She was being teased and wasn't being looked at by what some call a "normal girl". This fantasy girl that portrayed the figure none other than a "Barbie Doll".

Thursday, April 24, 2008


#4. The literal term for the second toad, represents the comparison to the speaker. The speaker is going to keep on working instead of speaking his mind and telling his boss what kind of life he want, which includes not working for him. Being the second is the "inner" him that is preventing him to live the life he wants desperately, but will not get or try to get because of the inner self. He talks about the people he would want to be, which are the people the workd very little and have very little, but seem to be much happier than he is.
#5. The speaker is a angry, bitter, and reluctant to pursue the way of life he mentions to crave. This life is to live on less and still be happy, which is the problem with the life he has now. He is upset because he wants to live a happy life and not work as much as he does now. His attitude towards work is annoyed and anger because of the life he desires, but inner self denis to want. This is making him stay in the same mind-set he has been in and not changing his life around according to what he truley wants.

"The Victims"

The Victims in this play, are the children and the wife that is being abused. The line that says "She took it and she took it, in silence, all those years and then." This is showing that she has taken all the beatings from him, when he was completely drunk, and took her beating without any refusal or objection. She said nothing and loved him so much that even the beatings and drunken rampage could not make her break it off with him. Her children were also the other victims in this poem. They are the narrators in the story, explaining how much they wanted their mother to stop this madness and divorce this evil man, their father. In the end she divorces him and he looses everything. When the kids pass the street and find bums, they wait to one day see their father sitting on a side walk begging for money, like their mother once begged for mercy. The victims are the mother and the children of the abusive, distructive, father/husband.