Monday, April 21, 2008

"The Hound"

1. The only word i did not know was equivocal.

2. The speaker is someone that is very confused with this hound. This person or animal does not know whether it will become friends with this dog, or the dog will bite it or tackle it. The line, "Either to rend me. Or to befriend me." Is showing that there is a lot of confusion of where these to figures stand in terms of their relationship. Another line that shows the confusion is, "At my bare hand, With teeth or tounge." It stands there nto knowing what to do until this hound dog makes the first move. The speaker is frightened and nervoulsy awaiting this hounds' first move.

3.The stiuation is nervously awaiting a hound's move to determine a friendship that could end up great or just end.

4. The hound dog is scoping out this figure to tell whether it will attack it or befriend it, the scenary is not specific and when it is happening isn't very specific either.

5. The tone is scared, nervous, fightened, anxious.

6. The phrase, "Life the hound, Equivocal, Comes at a bound." is very confusing. I think it is trying to say that the hound's life is equil to what will happen next in this next period of time. "Meanwhile I stand And wait the event." Meaning this figure is not moving until he/she finds out what will happen with them and this hound dog.

7. The theme of this poem is to show that you can never know who your friends are and sometimes you can make a dissision that determines who your friends are, whether you will attack them as enemies or give the a chance as a friend.

8. The author ahieves this by making the speaker sound pretrified to find out what this hound is going to do. The author makes it so you will be guessing until the end, then they never end up telling you if the hound befriends them or not it is just a mystery until the end.

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